Board members
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Stichting Community Service Rotary Club Amsterdam-International

Our History

Founded in 1993, the Rotary Club Amsterdam International (RCAI) emerged from the vision of Harry Grosveld, then head of Amsterdam's economic and business development department. Grosveld assembled a team of four, including three existing Rotarians, to unite members of the expatriate community in a new club. Their efforts quickly bore fruit, attracting diverse professionals from the international community

Who We Are

As Amsterdam's only English-speaking Rotary club, RCAI boasts a membership of approximately 40 distinguished individuals. Our members, leaders in their respective fields, are united by camaraderie and a shared commitment to assisting those less fortunate. We pride ourselves on maintaining a balanced membership that reflects diversity in gender, nationality, profession, and age.

Our Meetings

We convene twice monthly on Mondays from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, alternating between:
  • Hilton Amsterdam (Apollolaan 138, 1077 BG Amsterdam)
  • De Veranda restaurant (Amstelveenseweg 764, 1081 JK Amsterdam)
To attend a meeting, please contact our secretary at at least three days in advance.

Our projects

Over the years, the RCAI has gained much expertise in identifying, designing, and managing humanitarian projects in different parts of the world. The driving force behind our projects is our well-connected, socially conscious membership and their vast business experience. Our recent projects have changed the lives of beneficiaries in Sri Lanka, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa, Afghanistan, Brazil and India, Zimbabwe and Serbia.
For the latest updates, follow us on Facebook.

About us

Our Vision

To be a diverse and impactful community of international professionals united in service, fostering global understanding and positive change in Amsterdam and beyond.

Mission Statement:

The Rotary Club Amsterdam International brings together a multicultural group of leaders to:
  • Build friendships and professional connections across cultures
  • Serve our local and global communities through impactful projects
  • Promote peace, goodwill and international understanding
  • Develop leadership skills and personal growth opportunities for members
  • Uphold the highest ethical standards in business and personal endeavors
We accomplish this through regular meetings, service initiatives, cultural exchange, and collaboration with Rotary clubs worldwide.

Legal Structure

RCAI operates as the charity foundation of Stichting Community Service Rotary Club Amsterdam International. We are registered with the Chamber of Commerce (number 41214669) and hold RSIN number 805407820. Our business address is Palmgracht 66 b, 1015HN, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Foundation Objectives

Our foundation aims to:
  • Contribute to Rotary International's service ideal
  • Provide material and non-material support to individuals, institutions, and organizations facing economic hardship
  • Combat social inequality
  • Improve living standards locally and internationally
RCAI membership offers an opportunity to make a meaningful impact on society through mutual solidarity and fellowship. Members can leverage their professional skills and networks in service to others and the world.


The current board (2024-2025) comprises:
  • Chairman: Dr. Andrey Yukhanaev
  • Past President: Mrs. Dragana Radisic
  • Treasurer: Ms. Priscilla W. Rubia
  • Secretary: Mr. Anders Rengefors
Our directors serve pro bono and are accountable to the Rotary Club Amsterdam International.

Our Activities

RCAI has contributed over €300,000 to the construction of schools and libraries, educational programs, and international water projects. Beyond these initiatives, we have supported tsunami victims by funding the delivery of 16 boats and the reconstruction of schools. Our assistance has also extended to the Mulanje Mission Hospital in Malawi, the Elitshemi School in Zimbabwe, a School for Life in Serbia, and many other projects.
In recent years, we have also supported various initiatives, including:
  • 'Help for Ukraine' campaign and war refugees shelter
  • Financial assistance to 'Leefkringhuis' and 'De Kloof' in Amsterdam
  • Establishment of a ‘Scientific laboratory for a school’ in Romania
  • 'Clean Water project' in Thailand
  • Monthly lunches to homeless residents of De Kloof

Tax Status

Our foundation, 'Stichting Community Service Rotary Club Amsterdam-International', holds ANBI status (RSIN 805407820), allowing for tax-deductible donations.

Every euro we raise is directed entirely towards our projects. Rotary operates with impartiality, independence, and a commitment to being sex and gender neutral, without the burden of excessive overhead costs. Our members volunteer their time and efforts without compensation. Each euro donated is utilized transparently and responsibly for specific sustainable initiatives. We do not allocate funds to large charity organizations that have significant administrative expenses.

ANBI Policy Plan
ANBI Policy Plan for Rotary Club Amsterdam International
  1. Mission and Objectives
    • Primary purpose: To serve the international community in Amsterdam through charitable activities and fostering global understanding
    • Specific goals:
      • Implement at least 1 community service project annually
      • Raise funds for The Rotary Foundation and local charities
      • Promote cultural exchange and integration of international residents
  2. Governance Structure
    • Board of Directors 2024-2025:
      • President – Andrey Yukhanaev
      • President-Elect – Anders Rengefors
      • Secretary – Anders Rengefors
      • Treasurer – Priscille W. Rubia
      • Immediate Past President – Dragana Radisic
      • Membership Chair – Rajiv Mehra
      • Service Projects Chair – Ornela Ademi
      • Programme Chair – Kerstin Gerlagh
      • Rotary Foundation Officer – Marijke van Bodengraven
      • Public Image Officer – Kirill Lelchitskiy
    • All board positions are in unpaid volunteer roles
    • We implement a conflict of interest policy for all board members
  3. Financial Management
    • Maintain separate bank accounts for club operations and charitable funds
    • Ensure at least 90% of expenditures directly support charitable activities
    • Limit administrative costs to no more than 10% of total expenses
    • Conduct annual financial audits
  4. Transparency and Reporting
    • Publish annual reports on the club website, including:
      • Financial statements
      • List of board members and their roles
      • Overview of club activities and achievements
    • Make the club's policy plan publicly available on the website
  5. Fundraising and Asset Management
    • Organize at least 1 major fundraising event annually
    • Ensure all commercial activities (e.g., ticket sales for events) are subordinate to the club's charitable purpose
    • Maintain a reserve fund not exceeding 1.5 times annual operating expenses
  6. Dissolution Clause
    • In the event of club dissolution, any remaining assets will be transferred to another ANBI-status Rotary club in the Netherlands or to Rotary International.
  7. Tax Compliance
    • Maintain detailed records of all income and expenses for at least 7 years
    • Ensure compliance with gift tax exemptions for donations received
  8. Club Activities
    • Hold biweekly meetings at the Amsterdam locations
    • Organize international-themed service projects that benefit the local and/or international community
    • Collaborate with other Rotary clubs in the district and beyond on larger initiatives
    • Promote fellowship among members through social events and cultural exchanges
  9. Membership
    • Recruit members from diverse international backgrounds
    • Ensure a mix of Dutch nationals with international experience and expatriates
    • Conduct new member orientations to familiarize them with Rotary's mission and the club's ANBI status requirements
  10. Review and Updates
    • Conduct annual reviews of the policy plan and ANBI compliance
    • Update club bylaws as needed to reflect any changes in Dutch tax regulations or Rotary International policies
By implementing this policy plan, the Rotary Club Amsterdam International (RCAI) the charity foundation of Stichting Community Service Rotary Club Amsterdam-International (KVK number 41214669 and RSIN number 805407820) aims to maintain its ANBI status while fulfilling its mission of international service and fellowship in the Amsterdam community.
Our Board

Board of Directors 2024-2025:

    • President – Andrey Yukhanaev
    • President-Elect – Anders Rengefors
    • Secretary – Anders Rengefors
    • Treasurer – Priscille W. Rubia
    • Immediate Past President – Dragana Radisic
    • Membership Chair – Rajiv Mehra
    • Service Projects Chair – Ornela Ademi
    • Programme Chair – Kerstin Gerlagh
    • Rotary Foundation Officer – Marijke van Bodengraven
    • Public Image Officer – Kirill Lelchitskiy
  • All board positions are in unpaid volunteer roles
  • We implement a conflict of interest policy for all board members
It's amazing what we can accomplish when hearts and minds work together

Rotary helps Ukraine
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Besides the ongoing project indicated above, we have recently been involed in:
Supporting the creation of a School of Life in Serbia
The Elitsheni School, Zimbabwe
The Freesia School in Bangalore, India
The Leefkringhuis in Amsterdam
ARCA, Brazil
Clean Water, Thailand
Fish & Ships, Sri Lanka
Happy Home Orphanage, Thailand
Hellabeem, Sri Lanka
Mulanje Mission Hospital, Malawi
Stichting Community Service Rotary Club Amsterdam-International
KVK-number: 41214669
RSIN number: 805407820
Address: Palmgracht 66 b 1015HN Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Fill out the form and we will contact you soon